24 for 24 #
Introduction #
I got the idea of writing a "24 for 24" list from Gretchen Rubin as part of the Happier Trifecta.
This year's trifecta is:
- Write a list of 24 things, big or small, you'd like to get done this year.
- This year, write for 2 to 4 or 24 minutes each day.
- Choose one word or a short phrase to sum up what you want to focus on for the year.
Rasmus Trifecta for 2024 #
My one-word theme is "Communcation.”
- Get a motorcycle license
- Get a Tattoo
- Become more independent by moving to an apartment
- Begin lifting weights at a gym in Stockholm
- Launch my new website
- Celebrate the 15th anniversary of mine and Robin’s friendship in August
- Release a song as a Music NFT on Sound.xyz
- Produce and Publish 24 videos to YouTube
- Summer of Biographies
- Finish the outline of my memoir
- Race every month (running, triathlon, OCR, etc.)
- Perform music at 10 Open Mic Nights
- Go to a Sunday service in church once a month
- Start my freelancing business (offer services within the fields of IT, Music, Video and Photo)
- Try a new recipe from my liquorice cook book every month
- Attend 10 new meetup groups, to expand my network
- Travel to Spain
- Compose my first song for a (32-note?) music box and play it with paper strips
- Take a date to a Sofar Sounds concert
- Try a new hairstyle
- Start playing in a band (duo or larger)
- This year, write for 2 to 4 or 24 minutes each day
- Start a guided visualisation practice
- Free Space!
What I’m Reading #
- Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance by Emelie Fletcher (Goodreads)