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24 for 24 #

Introduction #

I got the idea of writing a "24 for 24" list from Gretchen Rubin as part of the Happier Trifecta.

This year's trifecta is:

Rasmus Trifecta for 2024 #

My one-word theme is "Communcation.”

  1. Get a motorcycle license
  2. Get a Tattoo
  3. Become more independent by moving to an apartment
  4. Begin lifting weights at a gym in Stockholm
  5. Launch my new website
  6. Celebrate the 15th anniversary of mine and Robin’s friendship in August
  7. Release a song as a Music NFT on
  8. Produce and Publish 24 videos to YouTube
  9. Summer of Biographies
  10. Finish the outline of my memoir
  11. Race every month (running, triathlon, OCR, etc.)
  12. Perform music at 10 Open Mic Nights
  13. Go to a Sunday service in church once a month
  14. Start my freelancing business (offer services within the fields of IT, Music, Video and Photo)
  15. Try a new recipe from my liquorice cook book every month
  16. Attend 10 new meetup groups, to expand my network
  17. Travel to Spain
  18. Compose my first song for a (32-note?) music box and play it with paper strips
  19. Take a date to a Sofar Sounds concert
  20. Try a new hairstyle
  21. Start playing in a band (duo or larger)
  22. This year, write for 2 to 4 or 24 minutes each day
  23. Start a guided visualisation practice
  24. Free Space!

What I’m Reading #